
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
T. Tokioka1971A new species of Rhopalaea from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Tunicata, Ascidiacea)
T. Tokioka1952Ascidians collected by Messrs. Renzi Wada and Seizi Wada from the pearl oyster bed in the Arafura Sea in 1940
T. Tokioka1961Ascidians collected during the Melanesia Expedition of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. I. Ascidians presented by Dr. R.L. A. Catala of the Aquarium of Noumea
T. Tokioka1950Ascidians from the Palao Is. 1
T. Tokioka1953Ascidians of Sagami Bay
T. Tokioka1963Constributions to Japanese ascidian fauna XX. The outline of Japanese ascidian fauna as compared with that of the Pacific coast of North America
T. Tokioka1955Contributions to Japanese ascidian fauna. XI: Sporadic memoranda (2)
T. Tokioka1949Contributions to the Japanese ascidian fauna II. Notes on some ascidians collected chiefly along the coast of Kii Peninsula
T. Tokioka1958Contributions to the Japanese ascidian fauna XII. Sporadic memoranda (3)
T. Tokioka1959Contributions to the Japanese ascidian fauna XIV. Sporadic memorandum (5) On two large colonies of compound ascidians dredged in the Tyosen Straits
T. Tokioka1962Contributions to the Japanese ascidian fauna XIX. Additions to Japanese ascidian fauna, with notes on two already known species
T. Tokioka1954Invertebrate fauna of the intertidal zone of the Tokara Islands. VII Ascidians. (Contributions to Japanese fauna)
T. Tokioka1967Pacific Tunicata of the United States National Museum
T. Tokioka1951The fauna of Akkeshi Bay XVIII
H. Watanabe, Tokioka T.1972Two new species and one possibly new race of social styelids from Sagami Bay with remarks on their life history especially the mode of budding
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith