
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. Sanamyan1998Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific region. 5. Phlebobranchia
K. Sanamyan1993Ascidian from the North-Western Pacific region. 2. Molgulidae
K. Sanamyan1993Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific Region. 1. Polycitoridae
K. Sanamyan1993Pseudoplacentela smirnovi gen. et sp. n. (Tunicata, Ascidiacea), with a discussion of its phylogenetic relationships
K. Sanamyan1992Ascidians from the Sea of Okhotsk collected by R.V. "Novoulyanovsk"
K. Sanamyan, Gleason D. F.2009Ascidians of the genus Aplidium collected on shallow hard-bottom reefs of coastal Georgia (Atlantic coast of N. America, U.S.A.
K. Sanamyan, Gleason, D. F., Sanamyan, N.2009A new species of Polyzoa (Ascidiacea: Styelidae) from the Atlantic coast of North America, U.S.A.
K. Sanamyan, Hissmann K.2008A new stalked species of Polycarpa (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) from deeper waters of the tropical Western Pacific and in situ observations on sympatric species
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N.2017Shallow-water ascidians from Matua Island (central Kuril Islands, NW Pacific)
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N.2017Shallow-water ascidians from Matua Island (central Kuril Islands, NW Pacific), part 2
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N.2011Shallow-water species of the genus Aplidium (Ascidiacea) from Kamchatka and Commander Islands
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N.2007Poorly known Ascidiacea collected in the vicinity of the Commander Islands and East Kamchatka, NW Pacific
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N.2006Deep-water ascidians (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) from the northern and western Pacific
K. E. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N. P.2002Deep-water ascidians from the south-western Atlantic (RV Dimitry Mendeleev, cruise 43 and Academic Kurchatov, cruise 11)
K. E. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N. P.1999Some benthic Tunicata from the southern Indo-Pacific Ocean
K. E. Sanamyan, Sanamyan N. P.1998Some deep-water ascidians from the NW Pacific (Tunicata: Ascidiacea)
K. Sanamyan, Sanamyan, N., Kuhnz, L.2018A new Culeolus species (Ascidiacea) from the NE Pacific, California
K. Sanamyan, Schories D.2004Ascidians from Peru
K. Sanamyan, Schories, D., Sanamyan, N.2010New records of aplousobranch ascidians from Central Chile
M. Sars1859Bidrag til en skildering af den arktiske molluskfauna ved Norges nordlige Kyst
M. Sars1851Beretning om en i Sommeren 1849 foretagen zoologisk Reise i Lofoten og Fimarken.
J. C. Savigny1816Memoires sur les animaux sans vertebres pt. 2
V. O. Sebastian1954On Polyclinum indicum, a new ascidian from the Madras coast of India
V. O. Sebastian1952A new species of Synascidian from Madras
N. Shenkar2013A new species of the genus Rhopalaea (Class: Ascidiacea) from the Red Sea
N. Shenkar, Lambert G.2010A new species of the genus Boltenia (Ascidiacea) from the Red Sea
N. Shenkar, Loya Y.2008Ecology and systematics of the ascidian fauna in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba).
N. Shenkar, Monniot F.2006A new species of the genus Botryllus (Ascidiacea) from the Red Sea
L. F. Skinner, Rocha, R. M., Counts, B. K.2019Pyura gangelion and Pyura beta sp. nov. (Ascidiacea: Pyuridae): an exotic and a new tunicate from the West Atlantic
C. P. Sluiter1932Die von Dr. L. Kohl-Larsen gesammelten ascidien von Sud-Georgien und der Stewart Insel.
C. P. Sluiter1927Les ascidies de la cote Atlantique du Maroc.
C. P. Sluiter1915Einige neue ascidien von der West-Kuste Afrikas
C. P. Sluiter1913Ascidien von den Aru-Inseln
C. P. Sluiter1912Les ascidies de l’Expedition Antarctique Francaise du Pourquoi-pas? comandee par le Dr.Charcot 1908-1909.
C. P. Sluiter1909Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. Part 2. Die merosomen Ascidien. Siboga-Expeditie
C. P. Sluiter1906Tuniciers.
C. P. Sluiter1905Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. Supplement zu der I Abteilung. Die socialen un holosomen Ascidien
C. P. Sluiter1905Note preliminaire sur les Ascidiens Holosomates de l’expedition Antarctique Francaise commandee par le Dr Charcot
C. P. Sluiter1905Tuniciers recueillis en 1904, par M. Ch Gravier, Dans le Golfe de Tadjourah (Somalie Francaise)
C. P. Sluiter1904Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. Part 1. Die sozialen und holosomen Ascidien
C. P. Sluiter1900Tunicaten aus dem Stillen Ocean
C. P. Sluiter1898Tuniciers recueilli en 1896, par la Chazalie, dans la mer des Antilles
C. P. Sluiter1898Beitrage zur kenntnis der fauna von Sud-Afrika.
C. P. Sluiter1895Tunicaten. In R. Semon, Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und den Malagischen Archipel.
C. P. Sluiter1890Die Evertebraten aus der Sammlung des Koniglichen natur wissenschaftlichen Vereins in Nederlandisch-Indien in Batavaia. Zugleich eine Skizze der Fauna des neuken Arten. Ascidiae simplices
C. P. Sluiter1887Einfache Ascidien aus der Bai von Batavia
C. P. Sluiter1885Ueber einige einfachen Ascidien von der Insel Billiton
W. Stimpson1864Descriptions of new species of marine invertebrata from Puget Sound collecty the Naturalists of the Northwest Boundary Commission.
W. Stimpson1855Tunicata. In Descriptions of some new marine invertebrates
W. Stimpson1852Several new ascidians from the coast of the United States


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith