
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
N. G. Vinogradova1970Deep-Sea ascidians of the genus Culeolus of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench
N. G. Vinogradova1962Explorations of the fauna of seas 1 (IX): Ascidiae simplices of the Indian part of the Antarctic
N. G. Vinogradova1958On the finding of a new ascidian species Cnemidocarpa zenkevitchi in the Fiord of the Banger Oasis (Antarctic) (in Russian)
R. von Drasche1884Ueber eine neue Synascidie (Polyclinoides diaphanum) aus Mauritius
R. von Drasche1884Ueber einige neue und weniger bekannte aussereuropasche einfache Ascidien
R. von Drasche1882Oxycornia, eine neue Synascidien-Gattung
M. Vorontsova, Cole L.1995A new species of Pyura (Ascidiacea) from South Vietnam
H. Watanabe, Tokioka T.1973On a new species of Clavelina from Japan, with remarks on its mode of budding
H. Watanabe, Tokioka T.1972Two new species and one possibly new race of social styelids from Sagami Bay with remarks on their life history especially the mode of budding
H. Watanabe, Tokioka T.1972Two new species and one possibly new race of social Styelids from Sagami Bay, with remarks on their life history, especially the mode of budding
A. F. A. Wiegmann1835Tunicata.
C. M. Young, Vazquez E.1997Agnezia monnioti and Styela gagetyleri, new deep-sea ascidians specialized for life within and below the oxygen minimum layer in the Arabian Sea
C. M. Young, Vazquez E.1995Morphology, larval development, and distribution of Bathypera feminalba n. sp. (Ascidiacea: Pyuridae), a deep-water ascidian from the fjords and sounds of British Columbia


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith