
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. Michaelsen1923Neue und altbekannte Ascidien aus dem Reichsmuseum zu Stockholm.
W. Michaelsen1922Ascidiae Ptychobranchiae und Distyobranchiae von Neuseeland und den Chatham-Inseln
W. Michaelsen1921Ascidien vom Westlichen Indischen Ozean aus dem Reichmuseum zu Stockholm
W. Michaelsen1920Die kribobranchen Ascidien des westlichen Indischen Ozeans: Didemniden
W. Michaelsen1919Ascidie Ptychobranchiae un Diktyobranchiae des Roten Meeres
W. Michaelsen1919Zur kenntnis der Didemniden
W. Michaelsen1918Die ptychobranchen und diktyobranchen Ascidien des Westlichen Indischen Ozeans
W. Michaelsen1915Tunicata.
W. Michaelsen1914Ueber einigke westafrikanishce ascidien
W. Michaelsen1912Die Tethyiden (Styeliden) des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg nebst Nachtrag und Anhang, einige andere Familien betreffend
W. Michaelsen1908Die Pyuriden (Halocynthiiden) des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg
W. Michaelsen1907Tunicaten.
W. Michaelsen1905Revision von Heller's Ascidien-Typen aus dem Museum Godefroy
W. Michaelsen1904Revision der compositen Styeliden order Polyzinen
W. Michaelsen1904Die stolidobranchiaten der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition
W. Michaelsen1900Die holosomen Ascidien des Magalhaenisch-Sudgeorgischen Gebiet
W. Michaelsen1898Vorlaufige mitteilung uber einige Tunicaten aus dem magalhaenischen gebiet, sowie van Sud-Georgien
R. H. Millar1988Ascidians collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition
R. H. Millar1988Ascidians collected during the South-east Pacific Biological Oceanographic Program (SEPBOP)
R. H. Millar1982The marine fauna of New Zealand: Ascidiacea
R. H. Millar1982Ascidians from the Rockall Trough area of the northeast Atlantic
R. H. Millar1978Ascidians from the Guyana shelf Netherlands.
R. H. Millar1978Cnemidocarpa lemchei, a new species of deep sea ascidian (Ascidiacea)
R. H. Millar1977Ascidians (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) from the northern and northern-eastern Brazilian shelf.
R. H. Millar1975Ascidians from the Indo-West-Pacific Region in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen (Tunicata, Ascidiacea)
R. H. Millar1970Ascidians, including specimens from the deep sea, collected by the R.V. ’Vema’ and now in the American Museum of Natural History
R. H. Millar1968A collection of ascidian fauna from the Vema Seamount
R. H. Millar1967Ascidians from the Tristan da Cunha group of islands.
R. H. Millar1967A new Ascidian of the genus Pseudodistoma from Madagascar
R. H. Millar1966Tunicata Ascidiacea
R. H. Millar1964South African ascidians collected by Th. Mortensen with some additional material
R. H. Millar1963Australian ascidians in the British Museum (Natural History)
R. H. Millar1962Further description of South African ascidians
R. H. Millar1961Euherdmanis vitrea, a new species of ascidian from Brazil
R. H. Millar1960Ascidiacea
R. H. Millar1959Ascidiacea
R. H. Millar1958Some ascidians from Brazil.
R. H. Millar1957Further notes on ascidians from Sierra Leone
R. H. Millar1956Ascidians from Mozambique, East Africa
R. H. Millar1955Ascidiacea
R. H. Millar1955On a collection of ascidians from South Africa.
R. H. Millar1954Protostyela heterobranchia n. gen. n. sp. a styelid ascidian from the Scottish west coast
R. H. Millar1954Pseudodistoma Africanum sp. n. a new compound ascidian from South Africa
R. H. Millar1953On a collection of ascidians from the Gold Coast.
R. H. Millar, Goodbody I.1974New species of ascidian from the West Indies
H. P. C. Moeller1842Index molluscorum Groenlandiae
F. Monniot2018Ascidians collected during the Madibenthos expedition in Martinique: 2. Stolidobranchia, Styelidae
F. Monniot2016Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French Expedition
F. Monniot2016Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French Guiana Expedition
F. Monniot2016A new species of Polyandrocarpa (Ascidiacea, Styelidae) in the Mediterranean Sea


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith