
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. Kott1973Plurellidae, a new phlebobranchiate family of the Ascidiacea.
P. Kott1972The ascidians of South Australia II. Eastern sector of the Great Australian Bight and Investigator Strait
P. Kott1972The ascidians of South Australia I: Spencer Gulf, St. Vincent Gulf, and Encounter Bay
P. Kott1972Some sublittoral ascidians in Moreton Bay, and their seasonal occurrence
P. Kott1972Notes on some ascidians from Port Jackson, Botany Bay and Port Hacking, New South Wales
P. Kott1971Antarctic Ascidiacea II. A monographic account of the known species based on specimens collected under U.S. government auspices 1947 to 1963.
P. Kott1969Antarctic Ascidiacea
P. Kott1963Adagnesia opaca gen. nov., sp. nov. A Remarkable ascidian of the Family Agnesiidae from Moreton Bay, Queensland
P. Kott1963The ascidians of Australia IV. Aplousobranchiata Lahille: Polyclinidae Verrill (continued)
P. Kott1963The ascidians of the Reef Flats of Fiji
P. Kott1962The ascidians of Australia III. Aplousobranchiata Lahille: Didemnidae Giard
P. Kott1957The sessile Tunicata
P. Kott1954Tunicata. Ascidians
P. Kott1952Ascidians of Australia. I. Stolidobranchiata and Phlebobranchiata
P. Kott1952Observations on compound ascidian of the Plymouth area with description of two species.
P. Kott1992The Australian Ascidiacea, Part 3, Aplousobranchia (2)
P. Kott1957The ascidians of Australia. II. Aplousobranchiata Lahille; Clavelinidae Forbes & Hanly; and Polyclinidae Verrill.
A. O. Kowalevsky1874Ueber die Knospung der Ascidien
L. P. Kremer, Metri, R., Rocha, R. M.2011Description of Sidneioides peregrinus sp. nov. (Tunicata: Ascidiacea: Polyclinidae): a possible exotic species in the Atlantic Ocean
C. W. Kupffer1875Tunicata
H. Lacaze-Duthiers1877Histoire des ascidies simples des cotes de France
H. Lacaze-Duthiers, Delage Y.1892Faune des Cynthiadees de Roscoff et cotes de Belge
F. Lafargue1975Taxonomic review of Didemnid ascidians from the coasts of France - Description of species in area of Banyuls-Sur-Mer- Diemnum genus. 1. Larvae with 3 suckers
F. Lafargue1968Les peuplements sessiles de l’archipel de Glenan. 2. Les Didemnidae. Systematique. Ecologie
F. Lafargue, Duclaux G.1979Premier example en Atlantique tropical d’une association symbiotiqe entre une ascidie Didemnidae et une cyanophyce chroococcale: Trididemnum cyanophorum nov. sp. et une cyanophyce chroococcale: Trididemnum cyanophorum nov. sp. et Synechocystis Trididemn
C. Lagger, Tatian M.2013Two new species of Distaplia (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) from the SW Atlantic, Argentina
J. B. Lamarck1815Suite des Polypiers empates
G. Lambert2003New records of ascidians from the NE Pacific: a new species of Trididemnum, range extension and redescription of Aplidiopsis panosum (Ritter, 1899) including its larva, and several non-indigenous species
G. Lambert1993Three new species of Stolidobranch Ascidians (Chordata: Ascidiacea) from the California continental shelf
G. Lambert, Sanamyan K.2001Distaplia alaskensis sp. nov. (Ascidiacea, Aplousobranchia) and other new ascidian records from south-central Alaska, with a redescription of Ascidia columbiana (Huntsman, 1912)
R. P. Lesson1830Centuria Zoologique
C. A. Lesueur1823Descriptions of several new species of Ascidia
A. Arnback-Christie-Linde1950Ascidiacea Part 2
A. Arnback-Christie-Linde1931On Xenomolgula mira, gen. et sp. n., and Lithonephrya complanata Alder & Hancock
A. Arnback-Christie-Linde1929Chilean Tunicates. Ascidians from the Guaitecas Islands
C. Linnaeus1767Systema Naturae, 12th edition
T. M. C. Lotufo, Dias G. M.2007Didemnum galacteum, a new species of white didemnid (Chordata: Ascidiacea: Didemnidae) from Brazil.
J. D. Macdonald1859On the anatomical characters of a remarkable form of compound Tunicata
W. S. MacLeay1825Anatomical observations on the natural group of the Tunicata, with the description of three species collected in Fox Channel
F. J. Madsen1947Octacnemus ingolfi n. sp., an atlantic representative of the peculiar Tunicate-family Octacnemidae
J. A. Marks1996Three sibling species species of didemnid ascidians from northern Norway: Didemnum albidum (Verrill, 1871), Didemnum polare (Hartmeyer, 1903), and Didemnum romssae sp. nov.
A. Medioni1970Ascidies du benthos rocheux Banyuls-sur-Mer. Didemnidae (Ascidies composees).
A. Medioni1968Ascidies des fonds Rocheux de Banyuls-sur-Mer Eudistoma magnum sp. n.
V. K. Meenakshi2000Ecteinascidia venui sp. nov., a colonial ascidian (Perophoridae) from Tuticorin, southeast coast of India
V. K. Meenakshi1997Biology of a few chosen ascidians
V. K. Meenakshi, Renganathan T. K.1999Ascidia dorsata (Ascidiidae) - an ascidian new to science from Tuticorin coast of India
W. Michaelsen1934The ascidians of the Cape Province of South Africa
W. Michaelsen1930Ascidiae Krikobranchiae
W. Michaelsen1927Einige neue westaustralische ptychobranchiate Ascidien
W. Michaelsen1924Ascidiae Krikobranchiae von Neuseeland, den Chatham und den Auckland


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith